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FACTORY KIT - Smart Factory SAP Integration

Many production companies still work with paper-based production orders and have little transparency about their processes. Missing or outdated production data makes efficient control difficult. This leads to high costs and a slow ability to react to deviations. The FACTORY KIT supports you on your way to becoming an intelligent and networked company. With the FACTORY K IT, you can digitize your production and efficiently implement digital manufacturing with SAP.

More efficiency, less downtime - your benefits at a glance!

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  • Optimize your manufacturing processes through the vertical exchange of data between ERP and production. This allows you to efficiently control processes in maintenance, quality assurance and production.
  • Increase the efficiency of your production by recording machine data, reducing unproductive times and flexibly adapting processes.
  • Increase accuracy in quality management by integrating qualitative and quantitative test results directly into the production process and documenting them in real time.
  • Facilitate your entry into digital production with SAP by using an SAP-related solution that networks your production and accelerates digitalization. Experience seamless SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud integration with the FACTORY KIT.
  • Benefit from comprehensive added value by establishing intelligent production processes, making data-based decisions and reacting flexibly to individual requirements.

Factory KIT - For intelligent and SAP-oriented production

Our FACTORY KIT solution offers you a simple, SAP-like introduction to intelligent and networked production. The vision of the solution is not based on the individual function, but on a digitalized and optimized end-2-end process.

Many processes have a core in SAP, which our FACTORY KIT extends in the direction of production. Exception-based action only works if data from production is available promptly. Functionality and processes are tailored to people and use cases. The FACTORY KIT provides support on the way to becoming an intelligent and networked company.


Process optimization and transparency in production

Our FACTORY KIT enables you to provide current information on production orders to workers and/or directly to the system. Manual and/or machine-supported feedback of times and quantities on production order processes, as well as their analysis, allow up-to-date insights into production processes. Optimization potential is primarily achieved by reducing unproductive times - adjustments to planned times, rescheduling based on current data, OEE analyses.

Fast and adaptive processes in maintenance

The precise, machine-supported recording and classification of faults and downtimes allows simple evaluations of frequencies as well as complex root cause analyses and even the derivation of models for improved fault forecasting. Of course, maintenance messages with relevant information can be created directly in the target system and relevant persons can be informed as appropriate.

Accuracy in quality management

The recording and documentation of qualitative and quantitative test results enables integrated testing during production. The visualization and monitoring of inspection points makes it possible to initiate inspections as required. Depending on the results, follow-up activities are triggered or stopped (e.g. inspection tightening or process interlocks).

Acquisition and processing of machine data

Elementary components of a "smart" factory are also smart systems or at least smart workstations. The FACTORY KIT enables bidirectional exchange between SAP and the machine. The latest technical standards are used to advance Industry 4.0 at the automation level. In the FACTORY KIT, this vertical data integration is the enabler for shopfloor-integrated end-2-end processes and process analyses. A special feature of the FACTORY KIT is the possibility of event-based process control, which creates highly dynamic processes.

Added value at all levels

Your company with the smart factory

  • reacts individually to customer requirements
  • makes optimized decisions
  • uses resources productively and efficiently
  • reacts quickly and flexibly to external and internal influences

Employees in the smart factory

The worker:

  • Reliable and clear information on clearly structured and simple applications
  • The focus is on the actual workflow - activities from different areas (PP, PM, QM) are made possible in one place
  • Machine takes over data acquisition (automation) or makes suggestions (partial automation)

The foreman/production manager:

  • Precise recording of the actual situation forms accurate planning requirements in SAP ERP
  • Various evaluations in the SAP standard
  • Ad-hoc target/actual comparisons; ideally situation-based reporting if process is outside the target corridor
  • Central information pool for information from production
  • Clearly defined processes in production that do not require/allow "special logic"

The functions in the smart factory

Production planning:

  • Reduction of manual activities
  • Real-time transparency: Which orders are currently running on which machines?
  • Increased productivity through direct countermeasures in the event of problems in production (condition monitoring)
  • Interactive processes in which machines and products from production trigger processes in SAP
  • Optimization of planned and cycle times, as well as rescheduling according to the situation
  • Flexible production processes based on currently available capacities and skills

Production management:

  • Precise classification and evaluation of error messages
  • Use of machine statuses and workloads for planning and optimization
  • Collection and evaluation of IoT data, which can then be used for predictive maintenance scenarios

Quality management:

  • Accurate and time-efficient inspection during production
  • Increased accuracy in material and batch tracing

The application at a glance

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SAP PP Planning:

Use extensive planning functions in SAP PP and extend your ERP systems right through to production.

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Control App (control center):

Distribute worklists to workstations and never be unemployed again.

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Operations overview:

View the current worklist from SAP Planning to do the right thing at the right time.

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Edit process with document display:

Record work progress in real time, simply and without paper.

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Create fault report:

Capture faults in real time for fast and accurate maintenance to minimize downtime.

Our offer

If you want to optimize your end-to-end processes quickly and easily, we will be happy to show you the FACTORY KIT LIVE in action - in the context of digitizing manual workstations and/or controlling complex robot systems.

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Would you like to find out more about FACTORY KIT?

Please contact us.